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South Green Junior


Welcome to South Green Junior School's Art page. You will find lots of different resources that can be used at home to help children with Art. You will also find online art galleries that you can explore and experience.

Art Lead - Miss Thurston

Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Every artist was first an amateur."

Ralph Waldo Emerson  Ralph Waldo Emerson's Painting

Henri Matisse: "Creativity takes courage."

Henri Matisse  Matisse Artwork


Bob Ross: "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents."

 Bob Ross   Bob Ross Painting


Georgia O'Keefe: "Art is not what you see, it's what you make others see."

Georgia O'Keefe  Georgia O'Keefe Painting


As a school, we believe Art and Design is an integral part of the curriculum. Art contributes to pupil’s personal development in creativity, independence and self-reflection, linking closely to our school values.

As a school, the focus is on developing proficiency in sketching and painting; with an overall aim of developing a rigorous understanding of formal elements, critical awareness of skills and vocabulary. The curriculum we provide is rich in skills and knowledge, enabling pupils of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of formal elements (Colour, texture, form, pattern, tone). It also gives pupils the opportunity to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas. Pupils will be able to analyse how formal elements are used and understand the style of artists that will inspire pupils work.

We aim to provide pupils with an experience that is exciting and ensure that our students combine practical skills with creative thinking, developing highly valuable and transferrable skills for future careers and life.


Virtual Art Galleries

National gallery:

Google tour. Look at all the wonderful paintings at artwork in the national gallery, using google earth.

Sainsbury tour. This is a special wing of the national gallery, which houses their early renaissance artwork.

2011 tour - This tour is rather special as it lets you delve into each painting and gives you more information about the painters that created each piece of artwork on display.

Tate Modern 

Andy Warhol - Watch the video as it takes you on a tour of the famous Andy Warhol and his work displayed in the Tate Modern.

Royal Academy of Arts - London:

Picasso Tour - Immerse yourself in Picasso’s world of paper and discover how – with this everyday material we know so well – he found the means to explore the furthest reaches of his creativity.

The Louver - Los Angeles:

Tom Wudl Tour - In this immersive tour see Wudl’s intricately detailed paintings, drawings and prints, inspired by the Buddhist text the Avatamsaka Sutra.

 Fondation Beyeler:

 Edward Hopper Tour - A famous landscape artist, look as someone talks through some of his most famous pieces of artwork.

Tate Britain: 

Frank Bowling Tour - A famous artist who pushes the possibilities of paint. Watch and browse through some of his most famous artwork.


Supporting with art at home

Artful Parent - Website dedicated to helping parents with art. Looking at sketching to water-colours, even 3-D art and sculpture. 

Encouraging creativity - This blog post from the Artful parent helps parents think about encouraging creativity, skills and confidence. 

The Abc's of Art - This document looks at all the formal elements of Art, which is everything you will need to know to become a great artist!

Timeline of Art - This is a timeline of Art and the descriptions of the movements to help identify in which period a piece of art work has come from.

Access Art: DrawAble - This is a free resource for children to build their drawing skills at home.

A Quick Guide to Sketching Pencils: 


Here is a quick visual guide to see which gradient of pencil will get you a darker tone or a lighter tone to help with your shading.