Governor Committee Membership
To contact the Chair of any committee, please write to the relevant person c/o South Green Junior School and either hand in to the office or post to the school. All correspondence received will be forwarded to the Governing Body.
Pay Lizzy Rowley Ian West Andy Lack
Admissions Cyril John Liz Benjeddi
Staff Disciplinary / Dismissal Cyril John plus any 2 governors with no prior involvement
Staff Appeals Cyril John plus any two governors with no prior involvement
Pupil Discipline / Exclusion Any 3 governors with no prior involvement (elect Chair for the meeting) |
Complaints Review Stage 1 - Cyril John (CoG), unless the complaint relates to the Chair Stage 2 - any 3 governors except the CoG, HT and staff governor (elect Chair for the meeting)
Headteacher Performance Management Panel Cyril John Lizzy Rowley