ICT & Computing support
Subject Lead: Mrs Godwin
Computing Intent Statement
Through our computing curriculum we aim to give our pupils the life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way. Through our teaching of computing we aim to equip our pupils to participate in an ever changing and advancing technological world. We believe that Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident and independent learners and it is our intention that every child is given the best opportunities to allow them to achieve this.
Computing Policy
At South Green Junior School Computing is taught as a discrete subject allowing children to develop their skills. The curriculum is taught through the following six areas with each area being taught progressively in each year group.
1. Working with Text.
2. Multimedia
3. Handling Data
4. Control the Computer
5. The internet
6. Computers in Society.
We want pupils to leave South Green Junior School as responsible, competent and confident users of digital technology in the worldwide online community.
Long Term Overview
Useful Websites
The websites below are all free to access and will support the development of your child's computing skills.
BBC Dance Mat Typing. Teaches chidren touch typing skills.
Downloadable activities and games for children that demonstrate computational thinking in a range of subjects.
Activities for children to learn the basics about algorithms without a computer.