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South Green Junior

Maths support

How to help your child with maths

Welcome to the South Green Junior School maths webpage. We believe that all children can enjoy maths and succeed in this important subject. Parents can help greatly by supporting and encouraging their children at home. To help your child become a confident mathematician - read on.

Maths subject Lead - Mrs Stone

Help them explain – don’t do it for them

Children sometimes get stuck on their homework or seem to give up almost as soon as they've started. If your child is struggling, break the task down and tackle one question at a time. Get them to explain how they can solve the problem or what they remember from when they were taught the topic in class. Often, children benefit from drawing a picture of the problem. Then, support them to complete the question or show them a similar example with different numbers.

Let’s make it automatic

At South Green, we talk a lot about automaticity – the instant, effortless recall of key maths facts. This is not about mindless rote learning, but rather it is equipping children with powerful knowledge and deep understanding that helps ensure future success in maths.

Maths anxiety

We recognise that many adults did not always enjoy maths at school or found it a difficult subject. One of the most unhelpful ideas is that people are either a ‘maths person’ or ‘were never any good at maths’. These are quite commonly held beliefs here in the UK although it is very unusual to hear people say such things in other countries. Passing on such ideas to your children helps to create a negative perception of maths and undermines their future progress. It is much more helpful to emphasize to children that they might not be able to do something ‘yet’ and that hard work and intelligent practice are important components of success.

Number bonds

All children need to learn their number bonds securely so they can tackle addition and subtraction calculations with ease. We use Numbots to help children achieve success in this area. You can download this onto your phone or access it through a laptop, tablet or desktop computer. You can watch this short video to familiarise yourself with this engaging online product. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2L9N8Nbn3U&feature=youtu.be

Every child in the school has their own account and login details. We would recommend 10-15 minutes on week days to fully master number bonds. Numbots presents the questions in a variety of mathematically rich ways and is ideal to support fluency, especially for children in years 3 and 4.

Times tables

Times Tables Rock Stars is another highly engaging (and strangely addictive) website you can use to help your child achieve automaticity with their times tables. You might want to supplement this with low-stakes quizzing as well as timed practice. Your teacher can set specific tables for your children to practise (every child has their own login details) or the app can select tables that your child currently finds a little tricky. 10-15 minutes on week days will help secure your child’s knowledge of times tables.


At South Green, we learn (and teach) our tables in the following order to help draw children’s attention to the patterns within and between the different tables. Furthermore, children receive a reward card when they have mastered their tables, as follows:

Bronze reward card: x1, x10, x5

Silver reward card: x2, x4, x8

Gold reward card: x3, x6, x9

Platinum reward card: x7, x11, x12

Maths for high attainers

Maths is not a race and we want to encourage our children to explore topics in greater depth rather than seeking to dash ahead before understanding is secure. That said, some children are ‘rapid graspers’ who confidently access new learning. There are a whole variety of additional tasks and challenges that we would encourage you to explore at home.

Corbett Maths provides a very useful five a day challenge at various levels of difficulty and can be accessed here: https://corbettmathsprimary.com/5-a-day/

We use this in school during the week so please restrict yourself to the weekend and holiday sheets (there are plenty – even one for Christmas Day!).

You might like to explore the Winton Gallery at the Science Museum here: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/see-and-do/mathematics-winton-gallery

MoMath, the National Museum of Mathematics, in New York has an interesting website and runs a series of online events. You can find out more details here: https://momath.org/

We have a range of maths books in the school library or you might want to buy Dorling Kindersley’s Train Your Brain To Be A Maths Genius as a special present. Details here: https://www.dk.com/uk/book/9781409384021-train-your-brain-to-be-a-maths-genius/

Our curriculum

We follow the National Curriculum for Maths and utilise the White Rose schemes of learning to help teachers plan and sequence lessons. In years 4, 5 and 6, we typically set children in smaller groups to help target specific needs.


Details of the White Rose schemes of learning can be accessed here:


The outline for each year group's scheme of learning in a 'normal' year are as follows:

 Year 3

Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Our teachers adapt and enhance the schemes of learning to suit the needs of our pupils.

Maths curriculum intent

Our vision of teaching and learning for mastery is based on a firmly held belief that all children can and should enjoy and succeed at mathematics. To enable children to become confident and competent mathematicians, there is an interconnected web of foundational knowledge, skills and procedures that must be taught and learnt. We teach maths in line with the National Curriculum, adhering to the principles in the 'Every Child Matters' document.

At South Green Junior School we believe that maths mastery is best explained by the characteristics we would expect a child at the end of Year 6 to demonstrate:

  • Children will have achieved automaticity in number bonds and times tables - mental arithmetic calculations are performed almost effortlessly.
  • Arithmetical fluency is combined with deep understanding of number - pupils can identify root calculations and apply them to related questions.
  • Children can articulate their mathematical explanations using precise, subject-specific terminology.
  • Procedural variation provides greater interest and engagement in the subject - children relish challenge.
  • Pupils are able to make and explain links between different domains of maths.
  • Pupils' well-developed number sense enables them to identify incorrect or implausible answers - they can question the answers not just answer the questions.
  • The introduction of algebra is seen as a natural extension of existing learning rather than a new departure.

Maths policy

You can find our Maths calculation policy here: 

 Maths Calculation Policy 2024

 A copy of our Maths policy can be accessed here:

 Maths Policy 2024

Videos for parents

The NCETM produced a range of very high quality lesson videos originally for use during the first national lockdown. They are all still available free of charge and you might want to use them if your child is struggling with a particular piece of homework. The full set of videos can be accessed here: https://www.ncetm.org.uk/in-the-classroom/teaching-maths-through-the-pandemic/primary-video-lessons/.

White Rose (another part of the NCETM) have also produced many short videos and lessons that explain key concepts and ideas. They are organised by year group and topic and can be found here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

 Keep it positive

Above all else, a positive and supportive approach combined with regular deliberate practice for number bonds and times tables will help ensure your child thrives with maths.