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South Green Junior



At South Green Junior School, our curriculum is designed to inspire enthusiasm for learning, to ensure achievement and to support pupil well-being.

We provide learning experiences that allow children to develop interpersonal skills and build resilience. Our approach enables our children to make meaningful links in their learning.

Our curriculum enables us to build strong relationships, celebrate diversity, encourage respect and build a sense of community. It provides and acknowledges success for all children, in all aspects of their development and it recognises, encourages and celebrates all types of talent.

Our values, PHSE lessons and assemblies promote positive attitudes which reflect the values and skills needed for future learning and success.

Teamwork and responsibility are an essential part of our wider curriculum and our pupils take on key roles that enable them to make a tangible difference to the school community.


The curriculum followed by all children is determined by the Primary National Curriculum, which is divided into the following subjects;

English, Mathematics, Science, Art & Design, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography, History, Languages, Music and Physical Education.

We teach Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Religious Education (RE) to all year groups. Children at South Green learn French in years 4 to 6.

To ensure continuity and progression, the school follows a curriculum plan that identifies the work to be covered during a particular year. This plan is reviewed annually to ensure that the curriculum is varied and balanced.

Please visit the relevant year group pages to view the curriculum plans for each year group.

For further information regarding the curriculum at South Green, please arrange an appointment to discuss this with your child's class teacher or speak to Mrs Durose (Deputy Head) or Mrs Benjeddi (Head Teacher)


We use Learning Ladders to assess learning in reading, writing and maths and teachers continually assess work in all lessons by giving feedback, quizzes & tests, observations and through talking to children about their learning.