Pupil Premium
At South Green Junior School, we strive to ensure that all children benefit from high quality teaching and learning on a daily basis. Progress is carefully assessed and monitored and individual or small group support is put into place where needed. We have high expectations of every child and actively promote a climate of respect and diligence through our five school values: being resilient, reciprocal, reflective, responsible and resourceful.
The Pupil Premium grant is used to support our universal offer, tailored to the needs of the individual child. The funding applies to all pupils who have been entitled to free school meals at any time over the last six years, looked after children and children from service families. The aim of the funding is to improve pupil attainment and to overcome any barriers to learning. It may be used to give financial support to enable wider access, to challenge and extend learning at all levels or provide more specialist support as needed.
Pupil Premium Statement for 2023 - 2024
Please click on the link below for the Pupil Premium Statement for 2023/2024
Coffee mornings
Mrs Servantes (SENCO / AHT) and Mrs Fayers (PPG Lead / Science & Eco Lead) run coffee mornings each term for the parents of SEND and PPG pupils.
You can find the PowerPoints for the 2022/23 sessions below:
Making and maintaining friendships:
Supporting children in maths:
2023/24 sessions:
Below are supporting documents for the ADHD presentation. Please note, some documents are not quality assured by SGJS but are from reputable charities/companies and contain lots of information you may find useful.