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South Green Junior


The purpose of this page is to provide information, links and ideas for supporting your children's learning at home in PE. If you have any questions please contact the PE lead (Mr Overill) using the South Green Junior School admin email address.

PE Curriculum Intent

Within our PE lessons, we focus on four areas to provide our students with the PE literacy they need for now and the future to have a healthy life. These areas are the social me (which includes, discussion with others, negotiating rules and learning how to play with others); physical me (including physical literacy and development of skills); healthy me (including understanding the importance of exercise and its impact on the body) and thinking me (including tactics and how to apply skills and ideas in-between sports). Together, these areas provide the skills to create well-rounded sports people who thrive and enjoy sport now and in the future.

PE Policy

Please click on the document below to read the policy.


PE Long Term Plan

Please click on the document below to see the current PE long term plan. Teachers have some discretion to move around units within their year groups and teach them at different times of the year.

PE long term plan

PE Learning at Home

The information for supporting your children's learning at home in PE focusses on key skills that can be practised and improved through fun games and challenges. For many ideas there will be hyperlinks on the page (words in different colours), that if you click on them will take you to a video or web page. This is not an exhaustive list, but a starting point to give ideas for how to complete home learning in PE. The information has been organised into the following sections, by topic to allow you to find the information you want quickly.

  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Health Related Exercise (HRE)
  • Invasive games (including football, rugby, hockey, basketball and netball)
  • Striking and fielding games (cricket and rounders)
  • Net games (tennis and badminton)
  • Athletics
  • Miscellaneous (fun ideas for physical activity)



Dance is a very creative area of PE and some of the main skills are moving in time with the music; executing moves correctly and being able to act on feedback when practising and improving a routine.

Just Dance is a really good way or having fun doing dances at home and you do not need as a games console as most of the dances are on Youtube. There is lots of variety including popular songs, songs from films and songs from games. There are many groups like Zumba Kids, which have lots of routines and lessons, aimed at kids,   for others to learn and copy. Koo Koo Kanga Roo have a set of less serious dance routines aimed at younger pupils and those who might not do traditional dances.

Alternatively, you can get a child to make a dance to a favourite song and if they have siblings they can do a dance competition. This will help with creativity, practice and allow them to share it and show others.



Like dance gymnastics is a more creative area of PE. Gymnastics can be completed with or without apparatus. In the home apparatus can be made out of household objects like chairs, sofas, beds or even tape on the floor to act as a balance beam. Some of the main skills in gymnastics to focus on are balance, co-ordination, control, tension of muscles and transition between moves.

 The Gymnastics HQ have free downloadable resources including theory activity backs and workout cards. Challenges are a good way of getting children active and they are lots of instructional videos on line to help like these from the British Gymnastics and Gymnastics HQ. There are some videos and activities that have been made by the Yorkshire Sport Foundation to teach key skills.

Another popular challenge is the yoga challenge and there are many examples of this on Youtube. It is possible to do it with one or multiple children. Children could also try the ABC gymnastic challenge to learn key skills and elements in gymnastics.


Health Related Exercise (HRE)

HRE encompasses a wide variety of PE areas and in its most basic form is doing activities to raise the heartrate or improve muscle strength, balance or co-ordination. These can be done as individual exercises, routines or circuits and can be linked into a particular sport or focusing on a theme.

Joe Wicks is a brilliant example of HRE and on his Youtube channel there are many work out videos designed for children and parents to do, which he made during the first lockdown and has now started doing again. Another option is Jumpstart Jonny who normally does his workouts to popular songs. Andy's Wild Workouts are aimed at younger children in families and created by the CBeebies, meaning they are shorter and less formal than Joe Wicks.

Here are the links for two other HRE sessions, which give ideas for children and for whole families. Active Essex also have a Youtube channel with child friendly workouts and links to other similar channels here



Locally, there are running clubs and events that suit children (and adults) of all ages. Lake Meadows Junior Parkrun run a 2km event for children from 4-14 every Sunday morning. This free event is fully marshalled and adults can run/walk with children or on their own; this a great event for children of all abilities. It is also great preparation or practice for cross country events. For more confident long distant runners there is a 5Km parkrun on Saturday mornings at Lake Meadows. Both events require free registration and are free to take part in each week. 

Invasive games

Invasive games are normally team games that involve attack and defense. They can be hard to practise if you have not got the specialised equipment, meaning in this section the focus is on the skills they need to take part such as passing, dribbling, shooting, hand eye co-ordination, foot eye co-ordination and catching. If you do not have balls or equipment there are home items you can use instead such as a toilet roll as a ball or a rolled up pair of socks. 

These next links are more based around the skills of football. They include challenges that can be completed outdoors and indoors depending on the space you have available. There is also the toilet roll keepy uppy challenge, which has been completed by many famous sports stars and a football bowling challenge. West Midlands Sport Development have created several videos which mix football and fitness exercises together.

If you have a more participants around during Lockdown then some of these games will help with the tactics and skills in invasive games. For other individual sports ideas, you can search Youtube or Google for what other sporting clubs have already done, for example this rugby team.


Striking and fielding games

Striking and fielding games normally require a lot of space and teams to play, so the focus should be on skills. The main skills are catching, throwing, hitting (hand eye co-ordination) and sprinting between points. As with invasive games, items at home can be used instead of normal equipment such as a stick as a bat or a pair of rolled up socks as a ball. Yorkshire Sport Foundation have a variety of activities and videos for children to try at home.

The Premier League and Lancashire Council have both put together free resource packs of activities to do in this area. There is also a link here for resource if you have a larger group of people or more space to do activities in.


Net games

Net games are normally played in pairs our fours, however, there are individual exercises and skills which can be practised. The main skills involve using a bat to hit a ball in different ways and improving hand eye co-ordination. A frying pan can make a good substitute for a bat and a rolled up ball of socks can make a good ball.

The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) have resources for both drills to practise skills and for different ways to play tennis in a lockdownYorkshire Sport Foundation have free videos and activities for children to try in this PE area. Games can also be played and skills practised by playing handball against a wall or with a partner. Simple games like keeping a balloon or ball from touching the floor, balloon volleyball, or bouncing a ball on a bat while moving help practise key skills at home.



 As anyone who has watched the Olympics (track and field section) will know, the main principles of athletics are running, throwing and jumping. These areas can be broken down to running different distances; throwing for accuracy or distance and jumping for distance. Activities can include practising different skills and techniques and household objects can easily be used to make fun challenges.

Sports Hall Athletics have a range of videos and free resources that allow children to take part in a home pentathalon. The Youth Sports Trust also have many quick 1 minute activities children complete and try to improve at over time. These 1 minute activities have bronze, silver and gold targets to achieve and ideas for how to substitute equipment for what might be found in a normal house.



The websites and ideas below are general sporty fun ideas and activities that you can do with children at home.

  • Our School Sport Partnership (William De Ferrers SSP) have lots of activities aimed at different year groups.
  • Active Essex have a lots of pages with a variety of activities including walks for families, challenges, fun games to play and other games.
  • Yorkshire Sport Foundation have a variety of videos and activities covering different areas including dance, gymnastics, OAA, movement, striking and fielding games, net and wall games
  • AfPE (Association for PE) have put together videos and resources on their website aimed at helping parents teach PE at home.
  • The Daily Mile website have lots of challenges for children and families to do to maintain fitness and good health
  • CBBC Supermovers has lots of active ways to make learning fun in a range of subjects outside of PE.
  • Cosmic yoga to help children with mindfulness and relaxation.
  • Healthy Movers programme has lots of activities created by the Youth Sport Trust.
  • Change4Life has lots of indoor and outdoor activities for kids and adults to do 60 minutes of exercise a day.
  • Master the minute challenges- 14 1 minute challenges for children of all ages to try and improve at.
  • Personal challenges has several videos of challenges made by children for children.
  • Indoor games has a variety of videos of different indoor games that can be played at home.
  • Imoves focuses on activities to help with social and emotional wellbeing
  • Active activities to do with children during Lockdown
  • Fun PE activities to do with children.
  • Lake Meadows Junior Parkrun is a free organised running event that takes place every Sunday morning in Billericay. It is designed for children under 14 years old and children can run it on their own or with parents. Sign up for free on their website to get your barcode.