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South Green Junior

Unexpected Closures


or unexpected school closure

Essex County Council no longer uses the local radio stations, but have a page on their website.

If you want to check whether the school is closed, go to the following and follow the links to school closures.


 We will also update our own website and send out parent mail messages


Please remember that the system gets very clogged up on these days as hundreds of people are trying to receive or send information at the same time. Although we send messages they may not reach you immediately and the internet has been known to crash under the pressure!

Please do not ring the school in the morning should it snow; we will update the website, put a message on the Essex County Council website and send out an email should we need to close. 

Not all of our staff live locally, so they may struggle to get in to school through a clogged road network or roads blocked by snow.

The decision to close is never taken lightly and is made in discussion with the Headteacher of the Infant School. We try to make that decision early so that arrangements can be made for child care where needed.