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South Green Junior

School Council

Our school council meet regularly to discuss ideas to improve the school, to plan fun events to raise money for our chosen charities and to answer any questions that children in our school might have.

Each week, every class has a class council meeting, chaired by the two class representatives who bring ideas back to school council to discuss.

During 2022 to 2023, our school council organised events to raise funds for Little Havens and Save the Children. They also made many suggestions for improving the school and judged the Book Corner Competition and Talent Competition.

Our school councillors for 2023 to 2024 are:

6T Alfie T and Elsie G

6S Laila O and Reuben L

5B Harry K and Amelia K

5K Dylan B and Lucy H

4O Harrison L and Amelie H

4T Alice M and Freddie D

3G Grace G and Jack A

3T Evie T and Alfie M