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South Green Junior

Sports Premium 2023 2024

Use and impact of sport premium funding

In the 2023-2024 academic year we spent £29 340. This meant we spent our whole allocation, which included money carried forward from the previous year.

The aim of our sport premium spending is to ensure that all children at South Green Juniors are given the best possible opportunities to access regular physical activity, high quality teaching, broad active experiences and high quality resources.

We used our sport premium funding to improve the quality of PE and sport provision in with the following intended outcomes:

  1) The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school using it as a tool for whole school improvement.

 2) Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.

 3) Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.

 4) The engagement in all pupils in regular physical activity.

 5) Increased participation in competitive sport.

Spending Chart

Below is a chart outlining how the sport premium money has been spent against these areas.  Extra notes have been included in the table to give details of what the money was spent on. Underneath the table, information about the impact of this year’s spending has been included.

Sport premium spending chart for the 2023/2024 financial year including notes

Costs have been rounded to nearest pound or ten pounds



Cost so far/ Estimated Cost


The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

Bike shed and scooter rack


Cost is £9917- £3000 grant from Active Essex

Shed repairs


Allowed storage or equipment so it was not damaged

Replacement table tennis table



Has been used by students this year

Repairing/maintaining the gym


Maintenance was done in November

In ground basketball hoops for the playground



Spent as part of the 2024/2025 financial year

Resources for PE and to improve club and playtime experience


Includes replacing the 9 a side goals and the goals on the playground. This also includes footballs and play leader equipment

Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school and using it as a tool for whole school improvement



New football kit


Been used by both boys and girls in years 3,4,5 and 6 for football and tag rugby

Noticeboards newsletters and displays


Three displays updated in school 

Gold School Games Award achieved


Achieved Gold mark 

Two Gen 10 Ipad tablets for each class



Used to help with PE assessment and feedback in lessons

Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE

Personalised staff PE CPD


ECT has been booked on a gymnastic safety course

AfPE (Association for PE) membership


The membership provides Health and Safety guidance as well as other support for teachers through reduced cost of publications and their website.

Broader experience of  a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils




Sports Day and Week


Medals costing £250 were bought and used during sports day.


Football Coaches


To assist with football club to allow more to attend. They also ran a taster session for years 3 and 4.

Archery sets


Means we now have 8 sets to allow more children to have more goes.

FA competitions


We entered 3 competitions which allowed different year groups and boy and girl teams to play.


Enrich Education- orienteering resources


Used in the year 5 curriculum

Increased participation in competitive sport

Cover for staff to take children to events


Variety of different staff members attended

District Sports -contribution to medals and trophies



Access to SSP (School Sport Partnership)


 1We have increased the amount of events and type of events offered to children including girls' cricket, orienteering and cups tacking.


Staff salaries




Money spent this financial year

£29 340


Money carried forward


Impacts for 2023-2024  (italics show evidence or the progress made towards these)


·More children being active on the playground

Playleaders have been trained and will promote games on the playground. New basketball hoops and football goals have got more children taking part in those activities on their days. New playleader equipment is being used by children to play with.

Children will take part in a wider variety of sports (even if only for a taster session) and more sports will be available at the school.

Year 3 and 4 children have done a football taster session- more girls have then subsequently taken part in lower school football trials. All year groups have had the opportunity to take part in archery. Over 150 children have taken part. More children have taken part in trial sessions for sports like badminton, cricket and table tennis this year, More children have had the opportunity to try cup stacking and orienteering.

A higher profile for sporting achievements around the school.

Certificates have been given out in assembly and there have been updates on performances in the newsletter. New football kits have been modelled and shown off to children. Display of sporting groups is up by the library and certificates of 1st, 2nd and 3rd performances are put up in the reception. Photos and write-ups included on newsletters after events.

Improve the PE academic performance of PPG and SEND pupils.

Barrier plans for pupils with suggested ways to help overcome barriers in PE have been created and are annotated by staff for each unit of work. PE Lead has used leadership time to co teach with teachers and drop into lessons to help them. This has helped identify barriers and offer support for some SEND and PPG students such as finding barriers for why some students were not taking part in PE.

More children to take part in intraspecific (within school) and interspecific (outside of school) competitions

Children have had the opportunity to take part in the following events.

Intraspecific: Archery (years 3, 4 and 5), Basketball (years 5 and 6), Tag Rugby (years 3,4,5 and 6), Cross country (years 3,4,5 and 6), Hockey (year 4), Table tennis (years 5 and 6), Netball (years 5 and 6), Dodgeball (years 3,4,5 and 6), Swimming (year 4, Tag Rugby (3 and 4), Tag Rugby (5 and 6) Football (years 3,4,5 and 6). Badminton (years 5 and 6), Cricket (years 3 and 4), Cricket girls, Athletics.

Interspecific: Year 5 and 6 boys’ Football (cup and league matches), Year 5 and 6 girls’ Football (cup and league matches), Dodgeball (years 5 and 6), Table tennis (years 5 and 6), Archery (years 3,4,5 and 6), Netball (years 5 and 6), Basketball (years 5 and 6), Swimming Gala, Cross Country. Badminton (years 5 and 6), Tag Rugby (3 and 4), Tag Rugby (5 and 6) Cricket girls, Cricket (years 3 and 4) and Athletics.

Teaching of PE to be consistently good or outstanding

Drop in and informal observations of lessons show that teaching is mainly good and coaching by CT has improved the quality of the teaching according to the staff helped and the children.